Ashley (my SIL) has been training with this group for over a year and has already run one marathon. She and I have been taking some early morning runs lately and have been having such a good time together that when she asked if I wanted to come to Cape Cod and do a marathon with her in the fall, I just said “yes.” I think I have lost my mind.
I am not asking you all to hold me accountable, because I am giving myself an out. This juncture in life, with two small girls and a husband with a demanding schedule may not prove to be conducive for becoming a marathoner (is that a word?). Jeremiah has been supportive about me doing it, and we’ve both agreed I should just try and see how it goes.
So, I rolled out of bed at 5:30 this Saturday morning and met the group for my first long run–10 miles! I sort of want to shout it and wear a sign 🙂 It was hard for me. I have been running 5 to 6 miles three times a week for a long time and to double it with a group that keeps a faster pace than I am used to was a challenge. Look how intense I look (and apparently I also have a pot belly) in this shot–and you should know that everyone ELSE was smiling and talking the whole time.
At the end, we were all feeling pretty happy (and sweaty). I am excited about adding a couple of miles next Saturday…sort of 🙂
Abby- Sounds so great. Makes me want to join you. I've run some half marathons- but never a full. I've been toying with the idea for awhile now! But always push it aside…
yaaayyyy Abby!! Go for it!! I run halfs and LOVE that distance. I used to live in the ham and I would train with people from the Track Shak. Is that who you are running with? They have all sorts of group runs (at different times, distances and speeds) so if you have to miss a training session with your friends, join them for one! My BFF, who still lives there has just started training for one in October! If you need a running buddy, let me know and I will shoot you her info! Good luck and keep us posted on your training!
Abby, I've never commented before, but I've been in your stalker closet for a good while. I think we have some mutual friends. I was born in Dothan, but grew up in Eufaula and went to school in Troy. Someone turned me on to your blog when my mom was diagnosed with cancer for a second time. I have three small children, two of those girls, and a husband in the medical field as well. I must say, I have found it uplifting and inspiring and lots of fun too.
When I saw this running post, I had to comment. Though I'm not inspired to run myself(unless someone is chasing me that is!!),I felt the need to encourage you in this new adventure of yours! You are a brave one! Best of luck. I know you'll do wonderfully.
Katie Snow
Millbrook, AL
I trained for a half, but couldn't do it with the boys…and my old lady knees. 😉 I am so excited for you. I think it is so good as mamas and wives that we add to our life experience. It is good for our souls to stretch ourselves, go farther than we think we can and prove what we have to ourselves. Just attempting this, you are stretching yourself. I am proud of you for choosing to train! Have a blast! Ashley is a pro for a running partner!
Yay! SO proud of you!!! If you opt out of the full (which I KNOW you can do) you should try the Mercedes Half. Unfortunately, I won't be running this year, but I hope to be there to cheer the runners on. Hated I missed you at Pepper Place today. We saw Jeremiah and Ashley with the girls. They're just PRECIOUS!
IM SO JEALOUS! I have always wanted to do that, even though I'm not a very good runner! I'm terribly impressed already that you run 5 to 6 miles THREE times a week! YOU GO GIRL!
That is awesome. I have said that I would like to run a bit and even train for an event, but I'm not much of a runner. Great job on the 10 miles!
I'd fall over and die on mile 1. Seriously. 10 miles would kill me. I'm so proud of you for 10 miles! That's a major accomplishment in my book. And… so, did Jeremiah go along for the run to take pictures? Who had their camera on the run? I mean, you know I certainly would have had mine bouncing around my neck.
wow! Good for you! I can barely manage to get a good walk in these days, hopefully soon I will get back into running – I really do love it.. it is relaxing believe it or not.
keep it up and best of luck with your marathon.
Abby, you can totally do this. I've done a couple of halfs, and I am the most unathletic person you'll ever meet. Just give yourself ample time to increase the mileage slowly so that you don't wind up with an injury. Run, Abby, Run!
go for it girl! i think you can totally do it!
#1 You look amazing
#2 I am SO proud of you!!
#3 Thank you for coming to my party yesterday. I am so honored to have you in my life!!!