We’ve got some things going on around here in the next couple of weeks! I’ve also managed to catch a miserable cold that includes a croupy chest, clogged sinuses, and a low-grade fever. Can I list it out for you?
Wednesday: Get my hair cut and highlighted (because it has grown so long and dark that I look like a Gothic hippie), undergo the humiliation of another spray tan, and pack to leave for Dothan. Make a late-night drive with both girls, still covered in spray-tan gook.
Thursday: Help handle all the little details we have surely neglected for Caroline’s (that’s my sister if anybody is new around here) wedding. This would include an inspection of the house (where we grew up) to see if a man (my Dad) is truly capable of rendering it spiffy enough to host a wedding reception, without the help of a woman (my Mom). I know you’ve “got it,” Dad, but I’ve been a little nervous 🙂
Also, go to my grandmother’s house where she is hopefully going to help me with the dilemma that BOTH of my bridesmaid’s dresses have grown a little snug. She said we’d try a girdle first, before she starts cutting breathing holes 🙂
Friday: We’re supposed to have a bridesmaid’s lunch and do all sorts of little funnities…but I’m worried we’re going to be doing yard work on the aforementioned house 🙂 Rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. Any good speech ideas?? And I might add that Jeremiah is singing and Pace is a flower girl…another reason my stomach is cramping right now at the thought of all that could go wrong.
Saturday: Caroline and Riley’s wedding!
Sunday-Wednesday: Clean up and recover.
Thursday: Go back for another spray tan, because it will have been over a week and what kind of state will my tan be in at this point?! I’m going to get addicted aren’t I?
Friday: Rehearsal and Rehearsal dinner for Lindsay’s wedding! Again, any good speech ideas?
Saturday morning: DAD AND KONIE GET MARRIED! and we go to brunch with our NEW FAMILY to celebrate.
Saturday afternoon: Lindsay’s bridesmaids’ lunch and pictures.
Saturday night: Lindsay and Jon Mark’s wedding!
Does anybody else feel like they’re developing an ulcer? Today, I have pledged to do my taxes–at least that will be one less thing making my heart beat fast–and start a Z-pack to knock out this cold and give me some energy. Seriously though, I am so excited and blessed by all three events…I just wish they weren’t happening so close together 🙂

Good grief! I am exhausted just READING this. But I can't wait to see pictures from everything. Take a deep breath……….
Wow! You're going to be one busy little bee! Wonderful memories being made to cherish for a lifetime!
Hey Abby!! Just a thought about spray tans! Have you ever tried the Mystic Tan from Palm Beach Tan? It's not as gunky nor humiliating as the kind where a person has to spray you. It's more of a "shower" type booth so you're by yourself! I'm sure there is a Palm Beach or some other place that has something similar in Birmingham!
Sounds like a busy week. Please call me if you want me to come keep the kiddos while you run some of your errands- or get sprayed! I'm seriousl
I can see why you are sick! Just thinking about all this makes me tired! LOL..You are going to love each event and just watch and enjoy…Remember…Mary and Martha? Be a Mary! Life is good and we all have many, many blessings! :O) Don't forget to smell those flowers! :O)
Wowie~ Just a few things to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I, too, am getting addicted to the spray tan! I L.O.V.E it!!! I have even gone to putting a kleenex in my nose so as to avoid inhaling extra "chemicals."
Oh Abby! WOW! I will be praying for you and your sweet family. Hearing about your dresses being a bit snug reminds me of an older, grandmotherly friend completely taking apart a bridesmaids dress of mine and putting it back together with like NO extra fabric in the seams…I was 8.5 mos pregnant and that thing was SNUG. Blessings on your and your family during this exciting time in your lives.
You are going to be SO BUSY! And what about those spray tans? Do you really like them? Hmmmm I have may have to try it. Can't wait to see pics from all three of your events. And that last post to Mrs. Linda brought tears to my eyes!
it's very overwhelming listed out like that?! you don't look remotely close to a gothic hippie, but i do believe i might have acquired some of your sickness:). hoping you've gotten your taxes done today!
I hear you girl. 5 weddings for me in the month of March. That has never happened before. It is so fun but sooo exhausting. Can't wait to see little Caroline at that alter on Saturday. Hope you will post lots of pictures of Caroline and Riley and Ken and Koni. Y'all are busting at the seams with joy.
love, Ms. Lori
Hi Abby! I love reading your blog! I have never met you, but go to Bay Springs Baptist Church with your in-laws… and have seen your girls with them on a couple of occasions. I was reading about your busy weeks ahead and spray tans and decided that I had to comment. You see, I am a professional spray tanner (LOL). I personally am a fan of being airbrushed as opposed to going the Mystic Tan route, but I have done both on many occasions. Just wanted to say, if you try the Mystic Tan, be ready to feel like you are in a human car wash. It is a very odd experience… but something all spray tanners should try… at least once! I really enjoy giggling with others on the non-sense of the spray tan… but I am the first to schedule my appointment when a tan is needed! 🙂 Hope everything goes great for you these next 2 weeks… enjoy all the fun!
Wow, that is a lot Abby!! I wish you had more time to spread out the fun events!! I will be thinking about you and can't wait to hear about it 🙂
I love readding, and thanks for your artical. ........................................