Jeremiah, what a gift to be able to watch you become a father! You have put on the mantle of fatherhood, just like you have all the other honors our heavenly Father has bestowed–with humility, integrity, and love. The way you love our girls, has seeped into my heart and let me love you even more. I can’t imagine a man making a better father than one who has a heart that demands integrity while overflowing with compassion. I thank God that He gave me you to raise our children and set an example of godliness. I love you so bad, and so do Pace and Mary Aplin 🙂

I feel overwhelmingly blessed today. I believe that often our pre-conceived version of God looks much like our Dads–for good or for bad. Children who are abused or abandoned by their fathers, often struggle to comprehend a Heavenly Father who loves them unconditionally. All three of these men have made my path to my Heavenly Father a smooth one, and what greater gift could there be?
Great post…
You are very blessed! What a wonderful post! Our Sunday school class loves the wisdom that your daddy shares with us- it is a treasure. Ryan and I try to soak it up!
What a blessing Godly dads are to their children!!!! A sweet tribute to them!
I received Zetta Grace's bloomers yesterday and love them. They are absolutely precious and I thank you again. I gave a little shout out on my blog for the flossy finch.