A couple of nights ago, I was trying to get Mary
Aplin to take those first little steps to me (for somewhere around the eight thousandth time), and she sort of fell/walked a few little steps. I just didn’t feel comfortable “counting” those as her first. BUT last night, we were with Ashley (Jeremiah’s sister) and I was half talking half holding my hands out to Dapple Dapple, when it suddenly happened!! She took three tiny little purposeful steps all by herself!! So, just a few days after turning 11 months old, I’ve decided we’re counting these as her first. She took a couple more last night and a couple this morning. I am so proud of my little girl.
I might add that she has also learned to kiss upon request in the past couple of days. She hasn’t quite grasped the pucker and comes in completely smiling and opened mouth, but we’ll take it! I do have to give Jeremiah most of the credit on that one.
(These are some pictures I took of them yesterday–the day that IT happened).
yea Mary Aplin!! I love the second picture of them looking at each other and laughing. Too cute!!
Thank you so much for allowing God to use you in such a special way. I talked to Jay Paul last week and told him how much your blog means to me. I went to school and church with Ken and Becky and I could just see Becky looking down from heaven as Ken was putting that bow in and laughing as she was telling him exactly how to do it. We can all tell from reading about your life that you are a good mother and I am so thankful that you allow us to be part of how God is working in your life daily.
YIPPEE! Hang on tight, it’s about to be real busy, but oh so fun!!!! So much to explore! 🙂
Such a special moment! Didn’t you just want to eat her up? I could, they are both DOLLS!
I wish Mary Selwyn had waited until 11 months to take her first steps….eight months was to early for this mommy’s heart.