When you get married you start to notice some little nuances that you’ve carried over from your parents. Little things like the way I load the dishwasher, or fold the laundry, or never finish one task because I remember the 13 others I need to be working on. Big things […]
Sometimes, when I look back over my life, I’m amazed to see the evidence of God taking sweet care of me through the people he’s strategically weaved into my life. At every major transition , there was always somebody, doing His work, to help me. Transition 1: Let’s getter through […]
I hate writing “Thank You” notes. I don’t even like receiving them, because I know the vehemence that is most likely sealed tightly into that little cream envelope. I hope that doesn’t sound ungrateful, because I really am thankful for gifts we receive, but there is just something about the […]