We are in Dothan, Alabama, alive and happy. I gave a lot of thought to just picking up where I left off (all the way back at JULY FOURTH!!) in Seattle and doing the 14 back-logged blogs that I have written in my brain. However, I have such big news to share with y’all here in the present, that I couldn’t help but do this one blog in the here and now. THEN, I’m going to go back and do a couple of blogs from our last weeks in Seattle, because I can’t stand to leave them off completely.
Today, Pace and Mary Aplin had their first day at a new school in a new city…
And I was late on the first day. It was humiliating. No time for encouraging words at the door and loving pats on the back, when we arrived all the students were sitting in their little seats in the classroom. I just shooed my girls inside and told them to quickly and quietly get in their seats and try not to disrupt the happy, organized classroom. I hate myself.
Then, I was going to write a blog, but do you remember how I was craving those field peas–white peas as my Mom always called them. Well, I’d bought 2 hampers that were going to go bad if I didn’t blanche them quick and get them in the freezer. You have no idea how many days I’ve had “BLOG” on my to-do list, but every day there seems to be something that keeps me. This morning, it was these babies:
So very, very delicious. Especially served with these and some fried cornbread.
God has provided the answer to our prayers for a place to live. Over and above what I could have imagined, like He has the wonderful tendency to do. I want to tell you all the details, but it will have to be in a longer post. Just so I don’t leave you in suspense after a month-long absence, here are some pictures of the outside of our soon-to-be home.
We can’t actually move in until October 1st, and we are renting this magical little farm. Ok really, I’m going to stop and give details later.
MOST IMPORTANTLY the BABY NEWS! We had a baby gender reveal dinner with our families on the first night we got into town. I brought a cake that was (supposed to be) gender neutral on the outside and the sex of our new little one was going to be discovered by the icing inside (between the layers) of cake.

And Kendall pokes her eye out with a knife and squeals--so loud that Dapples has to cover her ears--in celebration!
Can you tell we’re excited around here? Feeling very blessed with the gifts of being surrounded by family, finding the perfect new nest, and discovering a healthy baby boy is on the way.
Now that the girls have started school, I’m hoping we’ll grasp some normalcy, and subsequently some more blog posts, around here.
Abby!! Congratulations! I am so happy for your little family. I know you are so happy to be “home” 🙂 Can’t wait to hear about the house! Have you heard that we are moving to Dothan?!!
Oh Yay!!! How exciting for you and your family. Blessings on this little man.
Very exciting news! The move,house, and a healthy BOY! What a blessing! Congrats!
great news! Congratulations.
The view from the porch is beautiful. And bonus: baby boy will love being able to toddle around outside in that gorgeous green countryside.
LOVE the pic with Keke and Mapples covering her ears!! Man I am glad to see you back on here. I was beginning to wonder.. Love you and sooo happy I get to hold a little Maddox man here soon. Call me!!
What wonderful news all the way around!!! Congrats on a beautiful place to live AND especially on that baby boy!!! I’m so happy for you!
Abby!!!! So excited for ya’ll!!! I just read this to Adam and he said I bet Uncle Ken is so excited! haha!! LIttle boys are a whole new world! Have fun!
You will love having a little boy and you will love even more then that, that you have two little mother hens to help you!! So excited for you guys and all these fun new things going on in your life!
Yay for a baby boy! I have two girls and a little man as well and it’s nice to add a little testosterone into the mix!!! So fun! Congratulations to your family on ALL the big news and welcome back to Bama!
Abby, Congrats on a boy! I’m sure it is hard to start thinking blue now!!! The home looks amazing. So happy for you all 🙂
Cute shirts! Please share where you found them…my daughter needs one asap!
congratulations on your new home and your little boy!!
i have four nephews and they have brought so many smiles and laughs to our family 🙂 i know your little boy will bring the same joy to yours! congratulations!
So excited for you guys! Thank the Lord that ya’ll are safe in Dothan and are getting settled!
That is wonderful news!!! Congratulations on having a little boy…they truly steal their momma’s hearts! The house is breathtaking!!
Congratulations! Little boys are so much fun – definitely different little creatures! You new house is amazing! l love it!
What a story full of blessings! How exciting.
Can you explain the cake though?
Congrats Abby!!! I know you are excited to be home. It is heating up here in the Emerald City. I couldn’t help but think about putting a fan in the freezer – per your post from last summer :). The house looks beautiful!!! Enjoy your family.
Wow!!! Wonderful, Wonderful news!! Glad you made it home safely!! A baby boy!! At first when you said big I thought twins. ohh. The land and home are beautiful too.
Woo hoo for little boys. And yay for y’all being back in the South! xx- Brooke
CONGRATS! i am so excited you are having a boy! so glad yall are finally HOME =)
Hi Abby! Congratulations on your news! Little boys are so sweet! I have been reading your blog a little over a year I guess and really love reading it! I am friends with Darby and found your blog through hers. :0) Morgan and my little girl, Emily, were in class together at First Pres. Anyway, I saw you the other night at First Pres. We both have little ones in Amy Ingrams class this year! How fun. :0) You were talking or I would have introduced myself. How exciting to be reading your blog and you move to Dothan and we have children in class together. :0) So happy for your family and hope y’all get settled real soon. You will love First Pres. Can’t say enough wonderful things about the preschool!!
love the girls (and that you were late:). love the peas. love the house. love baby boy news. but love most of all that you guys are finally HERE!
love the house, love the view, love the baby boy and love the fact that you are back in blog land!!
Abby! I was trying to leave a comment yesterday, but I actually saw Kendall last weekend on Bid day and she told me the news! I’m so excited for you guys….a boy, wow!!! So glad you all made it back to Dothan ok too….thanks for all the great stories and pictures of Seattle over the year!!
I graduated with Kendall and have been reading your blog for ever now. My step-father is who you are renting the farm from, and I am so excited for ya’ll. I love that place! I am sure ya’ll will fill it with as many wonderful memories as we did!
Congratulations Abby! I’ve been reading your blog for years and I’m so excited yall are back home in Dothan and expecting a sweet baby boy!! Can’t wait to read more posts about everything that’s happened since the 4th!
Wow! The place looks awesome. The girls look SO much older to me. Look forward to seeing all of you at some point now that we live in the same state.
YAYYYY for a boy!!
Yay! So many exciting things for your sweet family.
The picture of Kendall poking her eye out and Dapples covering her ears is priceless!
And the white peas? Makes me miss South Alabama in the worst way. Eat some for me?
Congrats on a healthy baby boy! Love the new digs…so beautiful and peaceful looking.
I am so excited for you guys! What fun! 🙂
OHHHHH…BE still my heart!!!! A BOY!!! What great, fun, fun, news, Abby. Congrats to each of you! Living in Dothan, around family, starting a new life in a wonderful new home (where is this located, please?) Having OLE’ friends to enjoy the entire affair….What more can one ask for? Blessings, blessings, blessings! Is the house close to your In-laws? It looks kinda like Wicksburg to me? I can’t wait for your next post!!!! Enjoy all of this!!!!!
We are so happy y’all are back in Dothan and having a boy!!! We are also thrilled the girls are in the same class. Don’t you worry about being late to school. We are quite frequently. Love how you told your family the big news! Priceless!
Congratulations, boys are such gifts! You will have so much fun – so glad ya’ll are back “home”. The house and land looks beautiful, just what ya’ll need – wish I could come visit sometime and enjoy that”view” with you! Much love!!!!
Yay! Congratulations! I always love reading your posts about all of the girly things you all do. Now I will get to read you saying in the next months, “Wow, boys ARE different!” I am so glad you get to experience both what a blessing. Glad you all are back in the South, maybe we will get to see you sometime!
Hey there sweet, beautiful girl. I know exactly how excited you are. Your mom is smiling from heaven over you. I am SO happy that you are SO happy! I love the picture of lil K. I am just so overjoyed for you that I can’t put it in words.
ps. those are some beautiful girls and yes Dapples looks so much like Callen did!!!
Love your blog and welcome back to Dothan 🙂 CONGRATS on a healthy baby boy!
abby!!!!! WHAT EXCITING NEWS! 🙂 so happy for yall. your place looks serene — happy you’re settling back in nicely. say hello to the girls & jeremiah for me!