• I say I can’t find it, but I WILL NOT say it is lost. I know precisely the last pictures I took with it (Thursday afternoon), and I know I layed it right down on the dining room table…The problem with that is, Napoleon now can reach the top of the table. It has become a new favorite game–standing on her tiptoes and grabbing wildly on top of the table to see what comes down. I was hoping this wasn’t the fate of our camera. I was hoping I had just haphazardly cleared off the table into some little nook. However, I knew the prognosis was bad later that night when I asked Pace if she had seen the camera and I got this response: “Well, Mommy, Mary Aplin had it…ummm…I think she put it in your purse. [She starts frantically going through my purse for me to no avail] Don’t worry Mommy, I’ll find it. Dapples had it…”

    She came up empty handed. Mary Aplin is still mainly just grunting, so we’re not getting any answers out of her [which I think she enjoys a BIT more than she should]. You should know that my BIL lost his driver’s license at our house one time, and do you know where it turned up several weeks later. IN A CUP IN MY FORMAL CHINA CABINET. In my quest, I have managed to recover a dollar bill from a flower arrangement and a coaster from the mail slot. At least she’s creative 🙂 I’ll keep searching, and hope to be back soon with my saved up posts. In the meantime, I’ve managed to miss five little girls piled in Pace’s bed together and the same five little sweeties having an ever-so-girley tea party. UGHH! DAPPLES!!

  • I haven’t talked about it on here in a while, but my neighbor Bryan (Father to Noah–aka Prince Charming and husband to Ashley–my friend who recently renovated my front yard) is an AMAZING photographer. He recently received a new polaroid camera as a gift and happened to try it out while our children were playing together in our front yard (lucky me!). Check out these classic looking shots.

    If Pace does marry Noah one day [as she claims she will and reminds him of often], they will have the cutest rehearsal dinner video EVER 🙂

  • I am not a baker. I can do it, but normally I opt out if possible. Jeremiah’s Mom and sisters are big time bakers. There are always boocoodles of desserts at their houses, and he grew up eating dessert every night after dinner…we didn’t. Frankly, I don’t want to start, because if it’s THERE big booty will find it and partake. Sometimes I do feel a little bad when I catch Jeremiah hanging forlornly onto the cabinet handles, peering into their depths, and wishing a dessert would materialize. BUT, he just didn’t marry a baker.

    Saying all of that, I do bake when I take food to other people’s houses. It’s what people do. You take a meal AND a dessert when someone has a baby. That Mom is normally a milk factory and needs those calories 🙂 That said, this is my go-to when I need a quick dessert to take to somebody. There is no baking involved, it’s delicious, and it makes TWO! YAY! That way, at least for a couple of days, my husband doesn’t have to be forlorn over his loss of dessert.

    Ingredients: 1 (8 oz) cream cheese, softened
    2 c. crunchy peanut butter (the recipe only calls for 1 c, but I personally like to run into a peanut in my peanut butter pie, a bit more often than that)
    1 (16 oz) Cool Whip
    1 1/2 c. powdered sugar (recipe says sifted, but I never do :))
    2 (9 in) graham cracker crusts (that’s right, I buy them pre-made)
    chocolate chips (the recipe says optional, but I think that’s ridiculous. Chocolate and peanut butter, the worlds sweetest marriage)

    Combine cream cheese and peanut butter in a large bowl. Beat at medium speed until fluffy (with the double peanut butter, it doesn’t ever fluff so much). Add powdered sugar and cool whip. Beat until smooth.
    Pour into crusts, freeze 8 hours or overnight (I personally like this dessert refrigerated just as well as I do frozen. This helps for those of you, like me, who never think to make a dessert a WHOLE DAY ahead). Decorate with chocolate chips.

    Somehow dessert making always leads to spontaneous, joyful, kissing…

    Maybe this is why:

    Don’t worry, I was finished with the mixer. They were just pre-rinsing 🙂