Our house is “Under Contract” with some good friends of ours, who are planning to move into our nest when we fly out to Seattle this summer. We had an inspection done on this ‘ol house, and there were several little (nagging, annoying, time-sucker) projects that we wanted to address before our friends take over. With Jeremiah’s (all-consuming) work schedule lately, we were starting to get a little panicky about how we were going to knock out all these jobs. SO, this weekend we called in the troops! Tommy (of Tolleson Construction if you live in the Dothan area and need some re-modeling done, house built, or a cute single guy to show up on your doorstep :)…), who is Jeremiah’s best friend: Josh, Jeremiah’s brother:
And Steer Wrestler extraordinaire: And the rest of Jeremiah’s family–Dr. and Mrs. Maddox, Ashley, and Alex (who I am kicking myself for not taking a group picture of, but here is Dr. Maddox at least):
They came in with trucks and tools and trailers and the work ethic of a Spartan army, and conquered all our little projects in a single Saturday, like it was no big deal. I can’t tell you how great a weight it took off our shoulders! I’m thinking we might not even move out now (just kidding James and Stephanie :))!
The girls helped me start the process of sorting through all the (books, clothes, furniture, karate gear, picture frames…) JUNK stored in our basements and closets while the guys clambered from the roof to the basement to the yard to the broken down Honda Accord sitting in front of our house, and several places in between.
On Saturday night we went out to a nice dinner to celebrate all the success, and then on Sunday we did a little clean up before we headed out to Oak Mountain, where Josh (who was on his way home from a rodeo when he stopped in) just happened to have a couple of horses for us to ride:
And our friends Steven and Lindsey brought their three little kiddos for some music:
Dancing: Flower Picking:
And a little more horseback riding:
It was a blast, but I think it’s safe to say that last night we were ALL tuckered out:
I’ve quit the spray tan and the curling iron, cold turkey.
It was hard on me at Easter, but I did it. Has anybody ever made a good Easter picture? I mean it’s “Spring” and your ready to bust out in a Springy dress…but your skin isn’t. Unless you’ve been in the tanning bed or gettin’ sprayed, you weren’t ready either, were you? But I bet you still sported your white legs and convinced yourself it wasn’t that bad. I do it every year, and I never learn. That’s why you can’t see my legs in this picture, and we’re in the forgiving shade 🙂
Because in our natural state, Dapples and I could both be extras in the Twilight movies:
On to something besides skin and hair (what am I blabbering about today?!). We’ve been reveling in this gorgeous spring weather. Climbing trees:
Or, in Mary Aplin’s case, trying really hard to climb trees:
We’ve also been hanging out with little Lucy:
AND Taylor and Ashley have been gracing my door each morning at 5am!!!
to do P90X.
It’s kicking my BUTT…and my biceps, and abs, and lats, and calves….This morning (at 4:50!) as I winced trying to get my arms and legs into my workout clothes, Jeremiah said, “Do you think it’s worth it if you’re going to be in a bad mood all the time?” HaHa. Soooo funny. Only 86 more days to go!
I always feel like people are pretty important when they get asked to be a “Guest Blogger” on somebody else’s blog. So, when Beth asked me to write a Top Twelve list for a website she’s helping out with (domesticease.com), I thought it might possibly be time to toot a trumpet and say “I’ve arrived!” 🙂 I guess it isn’t technically “Guest Blogging,” since it’s a website and not a blog…but it’s similar, Ok. Just let me be happy.
If you want to check it out, here’s the link: http://www.domesticease.com/2010/04/03/top-twelve-by-abby-alabama-3/
Thanks for asking me Beth! And I loved what you did with the pictures!
***Oh, I almost forgot! There’s a giveaway at the end of the week if you leave a comment at the end of my Top Twelve!