I live in a fall/winter house. Spring and summer we make do and try to add a flower here or there to bring in a little of those other seasons, but I feel like my little home rolls her eyes at my attempts. “Just wait,” she says. “As soon as the days turn crisp, I’ll welcome you inside and you’ll never want to leave again.” And she’s right. Just when it becomes imperative that we stay inside more than out, our home begins to really show her glory. Jeremiah makes fires every night the temperatures drop below 70 :).
I (begrudgingly) drape the big elk skin over the back of our couch (You see Jeremiah skinned this thing when he was living in Montana, and we came to a marital truce over the abundance of skins scattered throughout our home by saying they get tucked away for spring/summer and redistributed every fall/winter).
And I get to buy a bundle of BITTERSWEET (close-up in first picture)! My friend Lauren (Natalie’s mom across the street) is the one who first introduced me to this most glorious fall decoration. Every year I anticipate when Leaf ‘n Petal will put our their sign announcing the vine’s arrival in their shop. The oranges and yellows and reds make me smile…just like the unsymmetrical little swirls and dips in the vine itself. If I could afford all the knobby, crazy colored pumpkins the shop also has, you can believe I’d show up there with my truck at the start of each fall. Since I can’t, these sweet little speckled ones from Wal-mart do just fine…I think. Especially when accompanied by my one seasonal indulgence–a brand new bundle of bittersweet.
I also like to mull over the name of this little vine. It’s hard sometimes, not to be burdened by all the heartache of this sin filled world. It’s bitter–the things people we care about…people we don’t know…endure. But it’s sweet too. Those moments when you experience deep joy or lasting friendship or beautiful creation…or when Locks looks at you like this:
This morning at breakfast, I was explaining to Pace how there were other little children in the world who didn’t have a playroom filled with toys, or sparkly flip-flops, or even enough food to eat. I told her we were going to go shop and fill some shoe-boxes with toys and candy for those children so that they would have some presents to open on Christmas morning. I guess her response was good. It at least shows that she recognizes where all of our food come from, but it was bittersweet for me. She said, “Mommy, why didn’t God give those other little children, who live far away, any food to eat?” What would you tell her?
i cant believe im the first commentor…
1) that dog makes me smile every time you post a picture
2) im jealous that you live in {what looks like} a cottage-type house. they make me swoon.
happy fall 🙂
This is great, Abby! Fall is my favorite season, but unfortunately, I just don't have the decorator gene. I want to have it, but it's just not there.
And believe me, I know what you mean about the husband wanting to build a fire. Sheesh! If it doesn't hurry up and get cold down here Kyle's going to make me turn down the a/c just so we can build one in our bedroom!
What do you tell a little one when they ask such a question? I might say that God loves them very much and He made sure that there are sweet, generous people like her mommy to take care of them and give them food.
Yay for Operation Christmas Child!! We are going to Kenya with Samaritan's Purse and while we were there for orientation we got to learn all about that ministry. It is truly amazing – I had no idea. The really neat thing is that those gifts are distributed by the local church and has formed a network of churches and contacts in sometimes difficult to access areas. Their main ministry is disaster relief so when a disaster strikes they have a huge network of local churches and people already in position because of the shoe box ministry which means they can get there and provide for people in a quick and extraordinary way – taking the gospel the whole way. All thanks to those shoeboxes!
Those are tough questions – I'm trying to find wisdom to answer the same things at my house. I try to teach that God doesn't tell us why there are poor or hungry people in the world but He does tell us to care for them and that is what we do. C said not long ago Mommy, you know those kids in India who don't have any clean water to drink? (Yes) Do they have orange juice to drink instead? It was difficult to have to tell her no as she tried to understand exactly what that meant in 3 year old terms.
BOY! Your house looks so beautiful, especially in the Fall. Can't wait to see it at Christmas. I know you'll be sad to leave for Seattle. But not so much, Seattle in WONDERFUL!
I know what you mean about having a "fall/winter" house. I feel the same what about mine! It must be a 'Hood thing 🙂
Your bittersweet is so pretty and I cannot wait to head over to L&P to buy some of my own this weekend!
I'm so glad the weather has cooled off for you runners! ONE MORE WEEK!
Our four yr. old– asked his mother, my daughter, this question last week…"Why did God forget to give his brother a brain" You know the situation concerning his brother. Sooo my daughter tried to explain why God made us all different. He didn't buy it. It shows that he is wondering why at such a young age. I think we should listen to them and let them tell us how they see the situation? Not sure…Hope that helps…but doubt it…Goodness…these kids are smart and I feel so empty headed! On a lighter note…LOVED all the PIC's and the front door to your home is so inviting! Good job!
Our four yr. old– asked his mother, my daughter, this question last week…"Why did God forget to give his brother a brain" You know the situation concerning his brother. Sooo my daughter tried to explain why God made us all different. He didn't buy it. It shows that he is wondering why at such a young age. I think we should listen to them and let them tell us how they see the situation? Not sure…Hope that helps…but doubt it…Goodness…these kids are smart and I feel so empty headed! On a lighter note…LOVED all the PIC's and the front door to your home is so inviting! Good job!
It seems that we are having a comment war, Abby! 🙂
If Luke disappears it won't be for long…Jeremiah would bring him back promptly.
We do need to get the little ones together, but I must say that a babysitter sounds nice!
I am very sad that Denise is leaving. You guys need to hurry up and get here to help fill the void!!
I love kids questions. They keep us on our toes!!!! I can't wait to hear how the RUN goes!!!! 🙂